Eugen Jochum - Central Website (Revised)

Babenhausen and Eugen Jochum

Eugen Jochum's house of birth. June, 2006

A visit to Babenhausen (Bavaria)

As is widely known, Eugen Jochum was born in Babenhausen. On the occasion of a Mozart-concert given by Mrs. Veronica Jochum - von Moltke in the "Ahnensaal" of the old Fuggerschloß in Babenhausen, I paid a visit to Babenhausen. The burgomaster, Mr. Th. Lehner, was so kind as to receive me. He also showed me the most important parts of his town and pointed to me out which house was Eugen Jochum's birthplace (see photo above and below). His office provided (hard to acquire) lodgings for me, or which I am in debt with Mrs. C. Schäfer.

Eugen Jochum still is a son of Babenhausen

The name Eugen Jochum is very well known to many citizens of Babenhausen. As I came to discover, even old friends of Eugen Jochum still live there. I spoke to one of them, Mr. Fr. Fahrensohn. This kind man told me that his old friend now and then visited him and, as Mr. Fahrensohn is also a musician (choir-conductor and organist), they inevitably came to talk about music. Eugen Jochum in this discussions (only!) referred to his friend as "Du" where he otherwise always preferred to call him "Sie". Music indeeds fraternizes.
Talking to other people living in Babenhausen revealed to me that Eugen Jochum is still remembered lively. Being a Dutchman, I felt very welcome in this special circle of music-lovers.

A small memorial has been attached to the house where Eugen Jochum was born, see photo below. The house is in what is called now the Fürst-Fuggerstraße, number 17.

Memorial at Eugen Jochum house of birth. June 2006

Babenhausen: a kind small town in Bavaria

Babenhausen is not very far from Ulm, but lies in Bavaria. It is a nice town with an industry quarter, and still has some nice remnants of a prosperous past. For instance, the age-old "Sägemühle" is still being used. And of course the dominating old castle (Fuggerschloß, named after the family Fugger von Babenhausen) on top of the hill in the center of Babenhausen cannot be overlooked. Inside the castle, there is a beautiful room called the "Ahnensaal". This room has painted portraits of all forefathers of the Fugger-family, some ages old.
The local church St. Andreas is attached to the castle and provides at Sunday not only Catholic services, but also better-than-average church music. They really hold a musical tradition in Babenhausen.

Babenhausen: Church and Fuggerschloß. June 2006

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